
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Summertime wishes

This is the time of the year when I start thinking of all the things I wanted to do over the summer and didn't take the time. Like taking time to hike through a state park, wandering through the farmers market, or sipping a glass of lemonade while daydreaming in a beautiful garden. There is still a few weeks of nice weather left, What would you do with your time?
 image from



  1. Great pictures!I would love to have a lemon tree in my back yard. There is nothing like fresh lemonade with the fresh lemons! Like your site and I'll be back to read more.

  2. Thanks for stopping by Ross, a lemon tree in the back yard would be great! I loved your blog on your daughter riding her bike for the first time. Those first are always in a parents heart. Pat

  3. There is so much I wanted... we wanted... to do this summer that we just didn't feel we had the time for. Especially camping... It's ok... it is 1 out of 10000 summers to come (not that I really get ten thousand years to live just a number... )

    <3 Manda

  4. i'm excited for Christmas but always anxious for summertime weather :)


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