
Friday, March 25, 2011

Favorite Fashion Finds

This is the time of year that I start thinking about shorts and dresses again.  The warm weather and melting snow piles make me want to go on a shopping spree for all new spring clothes!  I have to admit, I'm not the kind of girl who enjoys shopping on a regular basis (besides thrift stores browsing).  But this time of year puts me in the mood and gives me an urge to spend all kinds of money I don't have (very poor college student here).

I usually can't pick a favorite trend for the season.  But here I have a  couple floral prints along with some bolder stripes!  I especially love dress above from Spotted Moth and the black and white jumper from Red Velvet below.

I've been spending too much time looking at clothes lately! What are your favorite Spring clothing/styles/trends?

Happy Friday!


  1. I am loving all the nautical themed stuff :) I just got to go on a mini shopping spree and that is the trend I was leaning towards

  2. Jessi- That's awesome! I hope to be able to do a little bit of shopping for spring. We'll see!

  3. that first dress is really cute - I tried on a bunch of florals...they don't suit me

  4. I love the names of the Fashion labels themselves - Spotted Moth and Red Velvet - so sumptuous!

  5. Jess-
    Yes, floras are hit and miss with me! There are some that I love and some that I don't like.

    Artoholic, I love the names too! They are so creative. I just wish I had some money to invest in clothes from independent labels!


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