
Sunday, January 26, 2014

And so goes January...

Hello All,
  Here it is almost the end of January. I'm hoping we are on the back side of winter. My organizing for the month is not going well.  I have always been a great list maker. I am planning on having lots of activity on my to do list this last week of  January. As I watch it snow and blow I found this quote:

        “Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.” – Victor Hugo

   Hope everyone finds that laughter this week! Have a great week! Pat

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Why is January the longest month of the year?

Hello All,
   January is here again. It always seem to me to be the longest month of the year. Winter seems to drag and my mind seems to turn to spring, even if it is a ways off. We've started our eggs for the year. I love egg season! There is something about painting eggs that makes me happy!
   I'm also thinking about the January clean-up! It is the month to organize in my mind. Anyone for cleaning closets and getting into spring cleaning?
   Have a great day! Will post pictures of some new eggs soon!
 Happy January!